Británico con 29 tatuajes de Miley Cyrus está arrepentido y desea eliminarlos.

Carl McCoid de 42 años fanático de la cantante Miley Cyrus, ha cubierto su cuerpo con tatuajes de rostros, letras y siglas de la artista. Sin embargo Carl desea eliminar sus tatuajes, luego de que Miley dijo en una entrevista que sus tatuajes son feos.

Durante una entrevista, Miley dijo: “Hay un tipo que tiene un récord de la mayor cantidad de tatuajes de mi, tiene como 18 de mi cara y realmente son feos”. La estrella incluso ha bloqueado Sr. McCoid en Twitter debido a su obsesión y fue tildado de ‘acosador’ por los medios estadounidenses.

Carl McCoid decidió que usará una intervención de láser para borrar sus tatuajes.

A man who claims that a popstar helped him through a divorce has celebrated his musical hero, by getting 15 tattoos of MILEY CYRUS all over his body. Carl McCoid, 39, from Bridlington, East Yorks, has spent over £500 having tributes to the Disney singing sensation inked onto his frame. The domestic cleaner is now a living tribute to the 19-year-old American singer, and has even splashed out £150 to have her face painted onto his left arm. Carl has been showing off pictures of his Miley Cyrus tributes on social networking sites and now has 2,225 followers.
A man who claims that a popstar helped him through a divorce has celebrated his musical hero, by getting 15 tattoos of MILEY CYRUS all over his body. Carl McCoid, 39, from Bridlington, East Yorks, has spent over £500 having tributes to the Disney singing sensation inked onto his frame. The domestic cleaner is now a living tribute to the 19-year-old American singer, and has even splashed out £150 to have her face painted onto his left arm. Carl has been showing off pictures of his Miley Cyrus tributes on social networking sites and now has 2,225 followers.

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